Lisa Fithain

Lisa Fithian, author Shut it Down: Stories from a Fierce Loving Resistance, (foreword by Francis Fox Piven) has been leading nonviolent movements for social change since the mid 1970’s. Nationally recognized as a social justice leader, she has been a student, labor and community organizer on a broad range of issues. From the women’s movement, to environmental justice to student and worker rights, from peace and global justice to immigration and housing, Fithian continues to use a wide range of strategies and tactics and encourages nonviolent direct action as one of the most effective strategies for change. Described by Mother Jones as “the nation’s best-known protest consultant,” Fithian has supported countless movements including the Battle of Seattle in 1999, rebuilding and defending communities following Hurricane Katrina, Occupy Wall Street, and the uprisings at Standing Rock and in Ferguson. Fithian is also the co-founder of Undoing White Supremacy Austin (UWSA) and a trainer since the early 1980’s, with the the leading Undoing Racism outfit in the Unites States, People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB).

Reviews for Shut it Down:

“This book will help us build real power.” —Naomi Klein

“Fithian has taken a new generation of leaders under her wing at a critical time and I am honored to be among them.”—Linda Sarsour


