Our 16-week Bulbul Healing Circle program is supported by our partner

The City of Austin Equity Office

A Racial Healing Space for Arabs, Middle Easterners, Muslims & South Asians

If you identify as AMEMSA (Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, South Asian) and are looking for discreet and free counseling support embedded in liberatory structures and practice, this is the place for you. When we say Muslim we mean practicing or not, embracing or traumatized, marginalized within the community or not, convert/revert or born that way.

If you feel it's difficult to get mental health support as a member of the Bulbul community, if you want to be in community with other Bulbul folks while discussing mental health pressures and don't know where to turn, this is your space.

Join a discreet weekly non-judgmental space, led by a team of loving experts in the field to discharge about all the things we deal with and feel there’s no place to talk about.

The next Healing Circle will be held in the Fall 2022. You can confidentially reach out to us at chirp@bulbulcollective.org to reserve your spot. 

Here is what one participant had to say about the Healing Circles:

"As a Muslim woman of color of Arab descent who has been in and out of traditional therapy for years -- which I have found to be underwhelming and unaffirming at best; and racist and retraumatizing at worst -- it is incredible how transformational and healing the simple practice of showing up to a safe space with genuine people that share and understand my cultural background has been.  The simple power of deeply listening to people I can truly relate to, and learning to receive the gift of being listened to in kind -- true community -- is the healing modality I have been searching for.  I am deeply grateful for this beautiful space and look forward to it every week."