Dr. Stephanie Hawley

Dr. Stephanie Hawley is the first equity officer for Austin ISD and was previously the Associate Vice President for the Office of Equity and Inclusion at Austin Community College (ACC). In 2017, she guided the submission of the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Center grant application to the American Association of Community Colleges and the Kellogg Foundation. ACC was the only community college selected from a pool of 125 applicants to be awarded the grant. Dr. Hawley organized the first regional equity summits in 2017 and 2018, attracting more than 400 participants from ACC and the Central Texas community to promote cross-racial dialogue about equity and inclusion in education. With proceeds from these events, she established and funded the St. John Community Re-Entry and Restoration Scholarship — the first scholarship of its kind at ACC, providing support for students formerly involved with the justice system. She also served on the mayor’s 2016-17 Institutional Racism and Systemic Inequities Task Force’s education subcommittee, promoting ongoing anti-racist education and development for leaders in education and various industries.
